Commit fe0b4b28 by Taylor Otwell

cleaning up code.

parent 33e49146
......@@ -12,24 +12,26 @@ class MySQL extends Connector {
// Format the initial MySQL PDO connection string. These options are required
// for every MySQL connection that is established. The connection strings
// have the following convention: "mysql:host=hostname;dbname=database"
$dsn = "mysql:host={$host};dbname={$database}";
// Check for any optional MySQL PDO options. These options are not required
// to establish a PDO connection; however, may be needed in certain server
// or hosting environments used by the developer.
foreach (array('port', 'unix_socket') as $key)
// The developer has the freedom of specifying a port for the MySQL database
// or the default port (3306) will be used to make the connection by PDO.
// The Unix socket may also be specified if necessary.
if (isset($config['port']))
if (isset($config[$key]))
$dsn .= ";{$key}={$config[$key]}";
$dsn .= ";port={$config['port']}";
if (isset($config['unix_socket']))
$dsn .= ";unix_socket={$config['unix_socket']}";
$connection = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $this->options($config));
// If a character set has been specified, we'll execute a query against
// the database to set the correct character set. By default, this is
// set to UTF-8 which should be fine for most scenarios.
if (isset($config['charset']))
$connection->prepare("SET NAMES '{$config['charset']}'")->execute();
......@@ -12,24 +12,21 @@ class Postgres extends Connector {
// Format the initial Postgres PDO connection string. These options are required
// for every Postgres connection that is established. The connection strings
// have the following convention: "pgsql:host=hostname;dbname=database"
$dsn = "pgsql:host={$host};dbname={$database}";
// Check for any optional Postgres PDO options. These options are not required
// to establish a PDO connection; however, may be needed in certain server
// or hosting environments used by the developer.
foreach (array('port') as $key => $value)
// The developer has the freedom of specifying a port for the PostgresSQL
// database or the default port (5432) will be used by PDO to create the
// connection to the database for the developer.
if (isset($config['port']))
if (isset($config[$key]))
$dsn .= ";{$key}={$value}";
$dsn .= ";port={$config['port']}";
$connection = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, $this->options($config));
// If a character set has been specified, we'll execute a query against
// the database to set the correct character set. By default, this is
// set to UTF-8 which should be fine for most scenarios.
if (isset($config['charset']))
$connection->prepare("SET NAMES '{$config['charset']}'")->execute();
......@@ -26,8 +26,7 @@ class SQLServer extends Connector {
// Format the SQL Server connection string. This connection string format can
// also be used to connect to Azure SQL Server databases. The port is defined
// directly after the server name, so we'll create that and then create the
// final DSN string to pass to PDO.
// directly after the server name, so we'll create that first.
$port = (isset($port)) ? ','.$port : '';
$dsn = "sqlsrv:Server={$host}{$port};Database={$database}";
......@@ -59,7 +59,10 @@ abstract class Grammar {
// Expressions should be injected into the query as raw strings so
// so we do not want to wrap them in any way. We will just return
// the string value from the expression to be included.
if ($value instanceof Expression) return $value->get();
if ($value instanceof Expression)
return $value->get();
// If the value being wrapped contains a column alias, we need to
// wrap it a little differently as each segment must be wrapped
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ class Query {
// If the "column" is really an instance of a Closure, the developer is
// trying to create a join with a complex "ON" clause. So, we will add
// the join, and then call the Closure with the join.
// the join, and then call the Closure with the join/
if ($column1 instanceof Closure)
$this->joins[] = new Query\Join($type, $table);
......@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ class Query {
// The index variable helps us get the correct parameter value
// for the where condition. We increment it each time we add
// a condition to the query.
// a condition to the query's where.
$connector = 'AND';
$index = 0;
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