Commit f473e441 by Taylor Otwell

Cleaning up the core bootstrap file.

Signed-off-by: Taylor Otwell <>
parent fdcebc1b
<?php namespace Laravel;
* Define all of the constants that we will need to use the framework.
* These are things like file extensions, as well as all of the paths
* used by the framework. All of the paths are built on top of the
* basic application, laravel, and public paths.
| PHP Display Errors Configuration
| Register the constants used by the framework. These are things like file
| extensions and other information that we want to be able to access with
| just a simple constant.
define('EXT', '.php');
define('CRLF', "\r\n");
define('DEFAULT_BUNDLE', 'application');
define('MB_STRING', (int) function_exists('mb_get_info'));
* Require all of the classes that can't be loaded by the auto-loader.
* These are typically classes that the auto-loader relies upon to
* load classes, such as the array and configuration classes.
| Require Core Classes
| Here we will just load in the classes that are used for every request
| or are used by the configuration class. It is quicker and simpler to
| just manually load them in instead of using the auto-loader.
require path('sys').'ioc'.EXT;
require path('sys').'event'.EXT;
require path('sys').'bundle'.EXT;
require path('sys').'config'.EXT;
require path('sys').'helpers'.EXT;
require path('sys').'autoloader'.EXT;
* Register the Autoloader's "load" method on the auto-loader stack.
* This method provides the lazy-loading of all class files, as well
* as any PSR-0 compliant libraries used by the application.
| Register The Framework Auto-Loader
| Next we'll register the Autoloader class on the SPL auto-loader stack
| so it can lazy-load our class files as we need them. This class and
| method will be called each time a class is needed but has not been
| defined yet and will load the appropriate file.
spl_autoload_register(array('Laravel\\Autoloader', 'load'));
* Register the Laravel namespace so that the auto-loader loads it
* according to the PSR-0 naming conventions. This should provide
* fast resolution of all core classes.
| Register The Laravel Namespace
| Register the "Laravel" namespace and its directory mapping so the class
| loader can quickly load all of the core classes using PSR-0 style load
| conventions throughout the "laravel" directory since all core classes
| are namespaced into the "Laravel" namespace.
Autoloader::namespaces(array('Laravel' => path('sys')));
* Set the CLI options on the $_SERVER global array so we can easily
* retrieve them from the various parts of the CLI code. We can use
* the Request class to access them conveniently.
| Set The CLI Options Array
| If the current request is from the Artisan command-line interface, we
| will parse the command line arguments and options and set them the
| array of options in the $_SERVER global array for convenience.
if (defined('STDIN'))
$console = CLI\Command::options($_SERVER['argv']);
......@@ -52,22 +84,34 @@ if (defined('STDIN'))
$_SERVER['CLI'] = $options;
* The Laravel environment may be specified on the CLI using the env
* option, allowing the developer to easily use local configuration
* files from the CLI since the environment is usually controlled
* by server environmenet variables.
| Set The CLI Laravel Environment
| Next we'll set the LARAVEL_ENV variable if the current request is from
| the Artisan command-line interface. Since the environment is often
| specified within an Apache .htaccess file, we need to set it here
| when the request is not coming through Apache.
if (isset($_SERVER['CLI']['ENV']))
* Finally we'll grab all of the bundles and register them with the
* bundle class. All of the bundles are stored in an array within
* the application directory which defines all bundles.
| Register The Laravel Bundles
| Finally we will register all of the bundles that have been defined for
| the application. None of them will be started, yet but will be setup
| so that they may be started by the develop at any time.
$bundles = require path('app').'bundles'.EXT;
foreach ($bundles as $bundle => $config)
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