Commit e684aa3c by Maksim Surguy Committed by Jason Lewis

Added file input form element docs

The file input is in the API but not in the documentation.
parent 8bcfd522
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
- [CSRF Protection](#csrf-protection)
- [Labels](#labels)
- [Text, Text Area, Password & Hidden Fields](#text)
- [File Input](#file)
- [Checkboxes and Radio Buttons](#checkboxes-and-radio-buttons)
- [Drop-Down Lists](#drop-down-lists)
- [Buttons](#buttons)
......@@ -114,6 +115,13 @@ Laravel provides an easy method of protecting your application from cross-site r
> **Note:** The *radio* method has the same signature as the *checkbox* method. Two for one!
<a name="file"></a>
## File Input
#### Generate a file input element:
echo Form::file('image');
<a name="drop-down-lists"></a>
## Drop-Down Lists
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