Commit d3d3ffc1 by Taylor Otwell


parent a36e2773
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class Router {
// PHP 5.3.2 has a bug that causes closures cast as arrays
// to yield an empty array. We will work around this by
// manually adding the Closure instance to a new array.
// manually adding the Closure instance to an array.
if ($action instanceof Closure) $action = array($action);
static::$routes[$uri] = (array) $action;
......@@ -87,8 +87,7 @@ class Router {
* Find a route by name.
* Find a route by the route's assigned name.
* @param string $name
* @return array
......@@ -142,42 +141,26 @@ class Router {
// If we can't find a literal match, we'll iterate through all of
// the registered routes attempting to find a matching route that
// uses wildcards or regular expressions.
if ( ! is_null($route = static::search($destination)))
return $route;
// If there are no literal matches and no routes that match the
// request, we'll use convention to search for a controller to
// handle the request. If no controller can be found, the 404
// error response will be returned by the application.
$segments = array_diff(explode('/', trim($uri, '/')), array(''));
return static::controller(DEFAULT_BUNDLE, $method, $destination, $segments);
* Attempt to match a destination to one of the registered routes.
* @param string $destination
* @return Route
protected static function search($destination)
foreach (static::$routes as $route => $action)
// Since routes that don't use wildcards or regular expressions
// should have been caught by the literal route check, we will
// only check routes that have a parentheses, indicating that
// there are wildcards or regular expressions.
if (strpos($route, '(') !== false)
if (preg_match('#^'.static::wildcards($route).'$#', $destination, $parameters))
$pattern = '#^'.static::wildcards($route).'$#';
if (preg_match($pattern, $destination, $parameters))
return new Route($route, $action, array_slice($parameters, 1));
// If there are no literal matches and no routes that match the
// request, we'll use convention to search for a controller to
// handle the request. If no controller can be found, the 404
// error response will be returned.
$segments = array_diff(explode('/', trim($uri, '/')), array(''));
return static::controller(DEFAULT_BUNDLE, $method, $destination, $segments);
......@@ -250,7 +250,9 @@ class Str {
public static function classify($value)
return str_replace(' ', '_', static::title(str_replace(array('_', '.'), ' ', $value)));
$search = array('_', '-', '.');
return str_replace(' ', '_', static::title(str_replace($search, ' ', $value)));
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