Commit b65380d6 by Taylor Otwell

Added automatic controller detection.

Signed-off-by: Taylor Otwell <>
parent c514ca1e
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
Route::get('/, home', function()
Route::get('/', function()
return View::make('home.index');
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ use Laravel\Bundle;
use Laravel\Request;
use Laravel\Redirect;
use Laravel\Response;
use FilesystemIterator as fIterator;
abstract class Controller {
......@@ -63,6 +64,57 @@ abstract class Controller {
* Detect all of the controllers for a given bundle.
* @param string $bundle
* @param string $directory
* @return array
public static function detect($bundle = DEFAULT_BUNDLE, $directory = null)
if (is_null($directory))
$directory = Bundle::path($bundle).'controllers';
// First we'll get the root path to the directory housing all of
// the bundle's controllers. This will be used later to figure
// out the identifiers needed for the found controllers.
$root = Bundle::path($bundle).'controllers'.DS;
$controllers = array();
$items = new fIterator($directory, fIterator::SKIP_DOTS);
foreach ($items as $item)
// If the item is a directory, we will recurse back into the function
// to detect all of the nested controllers and we will keep adding
// them into the array of controllers for the bundle.
if ($item->isDir())
$nested = static::detect($bundle, $item->getRealPath());
$controllers = array_merge($controllers, $nested);
// If the item is a file, we'll assume it is a controller and we
// will build the identifier string for the controller that we
// can pass into the route's controller method.
$controller = str_replace(array($root, EXT), '', $item->getRealPath());
$controller = str_replace(DS, '.', $controller);
$controllers[] = Bundle::identifier($bundle, $controller);
return $controllers;
* Call an action method on a controller.
* <code>
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