Commit ab9a94e5 by Vlad Rusu

Updated ascii array to better support some romanian letters with diacritics

Signed-off-by: Vlad Rusu <>
parent 158bc32c
......@@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ return array(
'/п/' => 'p',
'/Ŕ|Ŗ|Ř|Р/' => 'R',
'/ŕ|ŗ|ř|р/' => 'r',
'/Ś|Ŝ|Ş|Š|С/' => 'S',
'/ś|ŝ|ş|š|ſ|с/' => 's',
'/Ţ|Ť|Ŧ|Т/' => 'T',
'/ţ|ť|ŧ|т/' => 't',
'/Ś|Ŝ|Ş|Ș|Š|С/' => 'S',
'/ś|ŝ|ş|ș|š|ſ|с/' => 's',
'/Ţ|Ț|Ť|Ŧ|Т/' => 'T',
'/ţ|ț|ť|ŧ|т/' => 't',
'/Ù|Ú|Û|Ũ|Ū|Ŭ|Ů|Ü|Ű|Ų|Ư|Ǔ|Ǖ|Ǘ|Ǚ|Ǜ|У/' => 'U',
'/ù|ú|û|ũ|ū|ŭ|ů|ü|ű|ų|ư|ǔ|ǖ|ǘ|ǚ|ǜ|у/' => 'u',
'/В/' => 'V',
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