Commit a297fe83 by Taylor Otwell

Update upgrad guide.

parent 0301a564
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## Upgrading From 4.0 to 4.1
- Update `composer.json` to require `"laravel/framework": "4.1.*"`
- Update `composer.json` to require `"laravel/framework": "4.1.*"`
- `composer update`.
- Replace `public/index.php`, `artisan.php`.
- Add new `expire_on_close` option to `session` configuration file.
......@@ -17,3 +17,4 @@
- If you are overriding `missingMethod` in your controllers, add $method as the first parameter.
- Password reminder system tweaked for greater developer freedom. Inspect stub controller by running `auth:reminders-controller` Artisan command.
- Update `reminders.php` language file.
- If you are using http hosts to set the $env variable in bootstrap/start.php, these should be changed to machine names (as returned by PHP's gethostname() function).
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