Commit 8ddfdd9e by Taylor Otwell

trim comment bloat from lang class.

parent d53ae745
......@@ -103,8 +103,6 @@ class Lang {
// the language line, otherwise, we will use "application" as the module.
$module = (strpos($key, '::') !== false) ? substr($key, 0, strpos($key, ':')) : 'application';
// If the language line is stored in a module, we need to strip the module qualifier
// off of the language key before continuing.
if ($module != 'application')
$key = substr($key, strpos($key, ':') + 2);
......@@ -130,8 +128,6 @@ class Lang {
private function load($module, $file, $language)
// If the language lines for the given module, file, and language have already been
// loaded, we can bail out of this method.
if (isset(static::$lines[$module][$language.$file])) return;
$path = ($module === 'application') ? LANG_PATH : MODULE_PATH.$module.'/lang/';
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