Commit 866f5d8f by Taylor Otwell

removed provides functionality. need to explore doing this in a way that is more…

removed provides functionality. need to explore doing this in a way that is more friendly to http, such as using the accept header.
parent a2aebdb0
......@@ -91,13 +91,13 @@ Input::$input = $input;
Routing\Filter::register(require APP_PATH.'filters'.EXT);
list($uri, $method, $format) = array(Request::uri()->get(), Request::method(), Request::format());
list($uri, $method) = array(Request::uri()->get(), Request::method());
$route = IoC::container()->core('routing.router')->route($method, $uri, $format);
Request::$route = IoC::container()->core('routing.router')->route($method, $uri);
if ( ! is_null($route))
if ( ! is_null(Request::$route))
$response = $route->call();
$response = Request::$route->call();
......@@ -34,21 +34,6 @@ class Request {
* Get the request format.
* The format is determined by taking the "extension" of the URI.
* @param string $uri
* @return string
public static function format($uri = null)
if (is_null($uri)) $uri = static::uri()->get();
return (($extension = pathinfo($uri, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) !== '') ? $extension : 'html';
* Get the request method.
* This will usually be the value of the REQUEST_METHOD $_SERVER variable
......@@ -104,71 +104,38 @@ class Router {
* @param string $method
* @param string $uri
* @param string $format
* @return Route
public function route($method, $uri, $format)
public function route($method, $uri)
$routes = $this->loader->load($uri);
// Put the request method and URI in route form. Routes begin with
// the request method and a forward slash followed by the URI.
// All route URIs begin with the request method and have a leading
// slash before the URI. We'll put the request method and URI into
// that format so we can easily check for literal matches.
$destination = $method.' /'.trim($uri, '/');
// Check for a literal route match first...
if (isset($routes[$destination]))
return Request::$route = new Route($destination, $routes[$destination], array());
return new Route($destination, $routes[$destination], array());
// If no literal route match was found, we will iterate through all
// of the routes and check each of them one at a time, translating
// any wildcards in the route into actual regular expressions.
foreach ($routes as $keys => $callback)
$formats = $this->formats($callback);
// Only check the routes that couldn't be matched literally...
if (($format_count = count($formats)) > 0 or $this->fuzzy($keys))
if (strpos($keys, '(') !== false or strpos($keys, ',') !== false)
if ($format_count > 0 and ! in_array($format, $formats)) continue;
if ( ! is_null($route = $this->match($destination, $keys, $callback, $format)))
if ( ! is_null($route = $this->match($destination, $keys, $callback)))
return Request::$route = $route;
return $route;
return Request::$route = $this->controller($method, $uri, $destination);
* Get the request formats for which the route provides responses.
* @param mixed $callback
* @return array
protected function formats($callback)
if (is_array($callback) and isset($callback['provides']))
return (is_string($provides = $callback['provides'])) ? explode('|', $provides) : $provides;
return array();
* Determine if a route needs to be examined using a regular expression.
* Routes that contain wildcards or multiple URIs cannot be matched using
* a literal key check on the array. The wildcards will have to be turned
* into real regular expressions and the multiple URIs have to be split.
* @param string $keys
* @return bool
protected function fuzzy($keys)
return strpos($keys, '(') !== false or strpos($keys, ',') !== false;
return $this->controller($method, $uri, $destination);
......@@ -181,16 +148,10 @@ class Router {
* @param string $destination
* @param array $keys
* @param mixed $callback
* @param string $format
* @return mixed
protected function match($destination, $keys, $callback, $format)
protected function match($destination, $keys, $callback)
// We need to remove the format from the route since formats are
// not specified in the route URI directly, but rather through
// the "provides" keyword on the route array.
$destination = str_replace('.'.$format, '', $destination);
foreach (explode(', ', $keys) as $key)
if (preg_match('#^'.$this->wildcards($key).'$#', $destination))
......@@ -258,6 +219,22 @@ class Router {
* Get the request formats for which the route provides responses.
* @param mixed $callback
* @return array
protected function formats($callback)
if (is_array($callback) and isset($callback['provides']))
return (is_string($provides = $callback['provides'])) ? explode('|', $provides) : $provides;
return array('html');
* Translate route URI wildcards into actual regular expressions.
* @param string $key
......@@ -288,11 +265,6 @@ class Router {
protected function parameters($uri, $route)
// When gathering the parameters, we need to get the request format out
// of the destination, otherwise it could be passed in as a parameter
// to the route closure or controller, which we don't want.
$uri = str_replace('.'.Request::format(), '', $uri);
list($uri, $route) = array(explode('/', $uri), explode('/', $route));
$count = count($route);
......@@ -31,12 +31,6 @@ class RequestTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
$this->assertEquals('PUT', Laravel\Request::method());
public function test_format_method_returns_extension()
$this->assertEquals('html', Laravel\Request::format('user'));
$this->assertEquals('json', Laravel\Request::format('user.json'));
public function test_server_method_returns_from_the_server_array()
$_SERVER = array('TEST' => 'something', 'USER' => array('NAME' => 'taylor'));
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