Commit 85cab82f by kapil verma

Fixed 2 stupid bugs for better markup

Thats it .. pulling on the docs now
parent 4de8921f
......@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ class Paginator {
// the "first" element should be a span instead of a link.
if ($disabled($this->page, $this->last))
return '<li'.HTML::attributes(array('class'=>"{$class} disabled")).'><a href="#">'.$text.'</a>';
return '<li'.HTML::attributes(array('class'=>"{$class} disabled")).'><a href="#">'.$text.'</a></li>';
......@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ class Paginator {
$query = '?page='.$page.$this->appendage($this->appends);
return '<li'.HTML::attributes(compact($class)).'>'. HTML::link(URI::current().$query, $text, array(), Request::secure()).'</li>';
return '<li'.HTML::attributes(array('class' => $class)).'>'. HTML::link(URI::current().$query, $text, array(), Request::secure()).'</li>';
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