Commit 81a2f5b9 by Blaine Schmeisser

Pass the response by reference so it can be overwritten in filters

You can edit the response but you can't overwrite it:
~~~ php
$response = new stdClass();

echo '1): ' . spl_object_hash($response) . PHP_EOL; // 0000000021e89fcd00000000e93b17ba

call_user_func_array(function($response) {
	$response = new stdClass();
	echo '2): ' . spl_object_hash($response) . PHP_EOL; // 0000000021e89fcf00000000e93b17ba
}, array($response));

echo '3): ' . spl_object_hash($response) . PHP_EOL; // 0000000021e89fcd00000000e93b17ba

call_user_func_array(function($response) {
	$response = new stdClass();
	echo '4): ' . spl_object_hash($response) . PHP_EOL; // 0000000021e89fcf00000000e93b17ba // hash descoped and reused
}, array(&$response));

echo '5): ' . spl_object_hash($response) . PHP_EOL; // 0000000021e89fcf00000000e93b17ba

Otherwise you'd make the new response object and overwrite the values one at a time:
~~~ php
Route::filter('after', function($response)
	$params = \Laravel\Request::$route->parameters;
	// The 'type' is the last param
	// example: /product/(:num).(:any)
	$type = array_pop($params);
	if($type == 'json') {
		$res = Response::json($response->content->data);
		foreach($response as $key => &$value) {
			$response->$key = $res->$key;

Signed-off-by: Blaine Schmeisser <>
parent 2e836499
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class Route {
// sure we have a valid Response instance.
$response = Response::prepare($response);
Filter::run($this->filters('after'), array($response));
Filter::run($this->filters('after'), array(&$response));
return $response;
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