Commit 7bf84066 by Taylor Otwell

refactoring. added redis drivers.

parent 8595253a
......@@ -131,7 +131,6 @@ return array(
'aliases' => array(
'Arr' => 'Laravel\\Arr',
'Asset' => 'Laravel\\Asset',
'Auth' => 'Laravel\\Security\\Auth',
'Benchmark' => 'Laravel\\Benchmark',
......@@ -150,12 +149,9 @@ return array(
'Input' => 'Laravel\\Input',
'IoC' => 'Laravel\\IoC',
'Lang' => 'Laravel\\Lang',
'Loader' => 'Laravel\\Loader',
'Messages' => 'Laravel\\Validation\\Messages',
'Package' => 'Laravel\\Facades\\Package',
'URI' => 'Laravel\\URI',
'URL' => 'Laravel\\URL',
'Redirect' => 'Laravel\\Redirect',
'Redis' => 'Laravel\\Redis',
'Request' => 'Laravel\\Request',
'Response' => 'Laravel\\Response',
'Session' => 'Laravel\\Session\\Manager',
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ return array(
| Caching can be used to increase the performance of your application
| by storing commonly accessed data in memory or in a file.
| Supported Drivers: 'file', 'memcached', 'apc'.
| Supported Drivers: 'file', 'memcached', 'apc', 'redis'.
......@@ -70,4 +70,25 @@ return array(
| Redis Databases
| Redis is an open source, fast, and advanced key-value store. However, it
| provides a richer set of commands than a typical key-value store such as
| APC or memcached.
| Here you may specify the hosts and ports for your Redis databases.
| For more information regarding Redis, check out:
'redis' => array(
'default' => array('host' => '', 'port' => 6379),
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ return array(
| Since HTTP is stateless, sessions are used to maintain "state" across
| multiple requests from the same user of your application.
| Supported Drivers: 'cookie', 'file', 'database', 'memcached', 'apc'.
| Supported Drivers: 'cookie', 'file', 'database', 'memcached', 'apc', 'redis'.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ define('CRLF', chr(13).chr(10));
define('EXT', '.php');
* Define a function that registers an array of constants if they
* Define a function that registers an array of constants if they haven't
* haven't already been registered. This allows the constants to
* be changed from their default values when unit testing.
......@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ register_shutdown_function(function() use ($handler)
if ( ! is_null($error = error_get_last()))
extract($error, EXTR_SKIP);
$handler(new \ErrorException($message, $type, 0, $file, $line));
......@@ -68,7 +68,9 @@ class File extends Driver {
public function put($key, $value, $minutes)
file_put_contents($this->path.$key, (time() + ($minutes * 60)).serialize($value), LOCK_EX);
$value = (time() + ($minutes * 60)).serialize($value);
file_put_contents($this->path.$key, $value, LOCK_EX);
<?php namespace Laravel\Cache\Drivers;
class Redis extends Driver {
* The Redis database instance.
* @var Redis
protected $redis;
* Create a new Redis cache driver instance.
* @param Redis $redis
* @return void
public function __construct(\Laravel\Redis $redis)
$this->redis = $redis;
* Determine if an item exists in the cache.
* @param string $key
* @return bool
public function has($key)
return ( ! is_null($this->redis->get($key)));
* Retrieve an item from the cache driver.
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
protected function retrieve($key)
if ( ! is_null($cache = $this->redis->get($key)))
return unserialize($cache);
* Write an item to the cache for a given number of minutes.
* <code>
* // Put an item in the cache for 15 minutes
* Cache::put('name', 'Taylor', 15);
* </code>
* @param string $key
* @param mixed $value
* @param int $minutes
* @return void
public function put($key, $value, $minutes)
$this->redis->set($key, serialize($value));
$this->redis->expire($key, $minutes * 60);
* Delete an item from the cache.
* @param string $key
* @return void
public function forget($key)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -71,11 +71,9 @@ return array(
| Laravel Caching Components
| The following components are used by the wonderfully, simple Laravel
| caching system. Each driver is resolved through the container.
| New cache drivers may be added to the framework by simply registering
| them into the container.
| The following components are used by the wonderfully simple Laravel cache
| system. Each driver is resolved through the container, so new drivers may
| be added by simply registering them in the container.
......@@ -91,6 +89,12 @@ return array(
'laravel.cache.redis' => array('resolver' => function()
return new Cache\Drivers\Redis(Redis::db());
'laravel.cache.memcached' => array('resolver' => function($c)
return new Cache\Drivers\Memcached($c->core('cache.memcache.connection'), Config::get('cache.key'));
......@@ -130,10 +134,6 @@ return array(
| from the session driver, as well as examining the payload validitiy
| and things like the CSRF token.
| Like the caching components, each session driver is resolved via the
| container and new drivers may be added by registering them into the
| container. Several session drivers are "driven" by the cache drivers.
'laravel.session.transporter' => array('resolver' => function($c)
......@@ -166,6 +166,12 @@ return array(
'laravel.session.redis' => array('resolver' => function($c)
return new Session\Drivers\Redis($c->core('cache.redis'));
'laravel.session.memcached' => array('resolver' => function($c)
return new Session\Drivers\Memcached($c->core('cache.memcached'));
......@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ class Manager {
* If no database name is specified, the default connection will be returned.
* Note: Database connections are managed as singletons.
* <code>
* // Get the default database connection for the application
* $connection = DB::connection();
......@@ -611,7 +611,9 @@ class Query {
protected function adjust($column, $amount, $operator)
return $this->update(array($column => Manager::raw($this->grammar->wrap($column).$operator.$amount)));
$value = Manager::raw($this->grammar->wrap($column).$operator.$amount);
return $this->update(array($column => $value));
......@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@ Input::$input = $input;
Routing\Filter::register(require APP_PATH.'filters'.EXT);
list($uri, $method) = array(Request::uri()->get(), Request::method());
list($uri, $method, $format) = array(Request::uri()->get(), Request::method(), Request::format());
$route = IoC::container()->core('routing.router')->route($method, $uri);
$route = IoC::container()->core('routing.router')->route($method, $uri, $format);
if ( ! is_null($route))
......@@ -3,114 +3,162 @@
class Redis {
* The name of the Redis connection.
* The address for the Redis host.
* @var string
public $name;
protected $host;
* The configuration array for the Redis connection.
* The port on which Redis can be accessed on the host.
* @var array
* @var int
public $config = array();
protected $port;
* The connection to the Redis database.
* @var resource
protected static $connection;
protected $connection;
* Create a new Redis connection instance.
* The active Redis database instances.
* @param string $name
* @param array $config
* @return void
* @var array
public function __construct($name, $config)
$this->name = $name;
$this->config = $config;
protected static $databases = array();
* Create a new Redis connection instance.
* @param string $connection
* @param array $config
* @return Redis
* @param string $host
* @param string $port
* @return void
public static function make($name, $config)
public function __construct($host, $port)
return new static($name, $config);
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
* Create a new Redis connection instance.
* Get a Redis database connection instance.
* The Redis connection is managed as a singleton, so if the connection has
* already been established, that same connection instance will be returned
* on subsequent requests for the connection.
* The given name should correspond to a Redis database in the configuration file.
* @param string $connection
* <code>
* // Get the default Redis database instance
* $redis = Redis::db();
* // Get a specified Redis database instance
* $reids = Redis::db('redis_2');
* </code>
* @param string $name
* @return Redis
public static function connection()
public static function db($name = 'default')
if (is_null(static::$connection))
if (is_null(static::$databases[$name]))
static::$connection = static::make($name, Config::get('database.redis'))->connect();
if (is_null($config = Config::get("database.redis.{$name}")))
throw new \Exception("Redis database [$name] is not defined.");
static::$databases[$name] = new static($config['host'], $config['port']);
return static::$connection;
return static::$databases[$name];
* Connect to the Redis database.
* Execute a command against the Redis database.
* The Redis instance itself will be returned by the method.
* <code>
* // Execute the GET command for the "name" key
* $name = Redis::db()->run('get', array('name'));
* @return Redis
* // Execute the LRANGE command for the "list" key
* $list = Redis::db()->run('lrange', array(0, 5));
* </code>
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
public function connect()
public function run($method, $parameters)
static::$connection = @fsockopen($this->config['host'], $this->config['port'], $error, $message);
fwrite($this->connect(), $this->command($method, (array) $parameters));
$ersponse = trim(fgets($this->connection, 512));
if (static::$connection === false)
switch (substr($ersponse, 0, 1))
throw new \Exception("Error establishing Redis connection [{$this->name}]: {$error} - {$message}");
case '-':
throw new \Exception('Redis error: '.substr(trim($ersponse), 4));
case '+':
case ':':
return $this->inline($ersponse);
case '$':
return $this->bulk($ersponse);
case '*':
return $this->multibulk($ersponse);
throw new \Exception("Unknown response from Redis server: ".substr($ersponse, 0, 1));
return $this;
* Execute a command agaisnt the Redis database.
* Establish the connection to the Redis database.
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return mixed
* @return resource
public function run($method, $parameters)
protected function connect()
fwrite(static::$connection, $this->command($method, $parameters));
if ( ! is_null($this->connection)) return $this->connection;
$this->connection = @fsockopen($this->host, $this->port, $error, $message);
if ($this->connection === false)
throw new \Exception("Error making Redis connection: {$error} - {$message}");
$reply = trim(fgets(static::$connection, 512));
return $this->connection;
* Build the Redis command based from a given method and parameters.
* Redis protocol states that a command should conform to the following format:
* *<number of arguments> CR LF
* $<number of bytes of argument 1> CR LF
* <argument data> CR LF
* ...
* $<number of bytes of argument N> CR LF
* <argument data> CR LF
* More information regarding the Redis protocol:
* @param string $method
* @param array $parameters
* @return string
protected function command($method, $parameters)
$command = '*'.(count($parameters) + 1).CRLF.'$'.strlen($method).CRLF.strtoupper($method).CRLF;
$command = '*'.(count($parameters) + 1).CRLF;
$command .= '$'.strlen($method).CRLF;
$command .= strtoupper($method).CRLF;
foreach ($parameters as $parameter)
......@@ -121,6 +169,73 @@ class Redis {
* Parse and handle an inline response from the Redis database.
* @param string $response
* @return string
protected function inline($response)
return substr(trim($response), 1);
* Parse and handle a bulk response from the Redis database.
* @param string $head
* @return string
protected function bulk($head)
if ($head == '$-1') return;
list($read, $response, $size) = array(0, '', substr($head, 1));
// Calculate and read the appropriate bytes off of the Redis response.
// We'll read off the response in 1024 byte chunks until the entire
// response has been read from the database.
$block = (($remaining = $size - $read) < 1024) ? $remaining : 1024;
$response .= fread($this->connection, $block);
$read += $block;
} while ($read < $size);
// The response ends with a trailing CRLF. So, we need to read that off
// of the end of the file stream to get it out of the way of the next
// command that is issued to the database.
fread($this->connection, 2);
return $response;
* Parse and handle a multi-bulk reply from the Redis database.
* @param string $head
* @return array
protected function multibulk($head)
if (($count = substr($head, 1)) == '-1') return;
$response = array();
// Iterate through each bulk response in the multi-bulk and parse it out
// using the "bulk" method since a multi-bulk response is just a list of
// plain old bulk responses.
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++)
$response[] = $this->bulk(trim(fgets($this->connection, 512)));
return $response;
* Dynamically make calls to the Redis database.
public function __call($method, $parameters)
......@@ -129,13 +244,21 @@ class Redis {
* Dynamically pass static method calls to the Redis instance.
public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters)
return static::db()->run($method, $parameters);
* Close the connection to the Redis database.
* @return void
public function __destruct()
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -150,15 +150,15 @@ class Route {
return call_user_func_array($this->callback, $this->parameters);
// If the route is an array we will return the first value with a
// key of "delegate", or the first instance of a Closure. If the
// value is a string, the route is delegating the responsibility
// If the route is an array, we will return the first value with a
// key of "uses", or the first instance of a Closure. If the value
// is a string, the route is delegating the responsibility for
// for handling the request to a controller.
elseif (is_array($this->callback))
$callback = Arr::first($this->callback, function($key, $value)
return $key == 'delegate' or $value instanceof Closure;
return $key == 'uses' or $value instanceof Closure;
if ($callback instanceof Closure)
......@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ class Router {
* @var array
protected $patterns = array(
'(:num)' => '[0-9]+',
'(:any)' => '[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+',
'(:num)' => '([0-9]+)',
'(:any)' => '([a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+)',
......@@ -104,9 +104,10 @@ class Router {
* @param string $method
* @param string $uri
* @param string $format
* @return Route
public function route($method, $uri)
public function route($method, $uri, $format)
$routes = $this->loader->load($uri);
......@@ -122,19 +123,18 @@ class Router {
foreach ($routes as $keys => $callback)
// Formats are appended to the route key as a regular expression.
// It will look something like: "(\.(json|xml|html))?"
$formats = $this->provides($callback);
// We need to make sure that the requested format is provided by the
// route. If it isn't, there is no need to continue evaluating it.
if ( ! in_array($format, $this->provides($callback))) continue;
// Only check routes that have multiple URIs or wildcards since other
// Only check routes having multiple URIs or wildcards since other
// routes would have been caught by the check for literal matches.
// We also need to check routes with "provides" clauses.
if ($this->fuzzy($keys) or ! is_null($formats))
if (strpos($keys, '(') !== false or strpos($keys, ',') !== false)
if ( ! is_null($route = $this->match($destination, $keys, $callback, $formats)))
if ( ! is_null($route = $this->match($destination, $keys, $callback, $format)))
return Request::$route = $route;
......@@ -142,18 +142,19 @@ class Router {
* Determine if the route contains elements that forbid literal matches.
* Any route key containing a regular expression, wildcard, or multiple
* URIs cannot be matched using a literal string check, but must be
* checked using regular expressions.
* Get the request formats for which the route provides responses.
* @param string $keys
* @return bool
* @param mixed $callback
* @return array
protected function fuzzy($keys)
protected function provides($callback)
return strpos($keys, '(') !== false or strpos($keys, ',') !== false;
if (is_array($callback) and isset($callback['provides']))
return (is_string($provides = $callback['provides'])) ? explode('|', $provides) : $provides;
return array();
......@@ -166,18 +167,19 @@ class Router {
* @param string $destination
* @param array $keys
* @param mixed $callback
* @param array $formats
* @param string $format
* @return mixed
protected function match($destination, $keys, $callback, $formats)
protected function match($destination, $keys, $callback, $format)
// Append the provided formats to the route as an optional regular expression.
// This should make the route look something like: "user(\.(json|xml|html))?"
$formats = ( ! is_null($formats)) ? '(\.('.implode('|', $formats).'))?' : '';
// We need to remove the format from the route since formats are
// not specified in the route URI directly, but rather through
// the "provides" keyword on the route array.
$destination = str_replace('.'.$format, '', $destination);
foreach (explode(', ', $keys) as $key)
if (preg_match('#^'.$this->wildcards($key).$formats.'$#', $destination))
if (preg_match('#^'.$this->wildcards($key).'$#', $destination))
return new Route($keys, $callback, $this->parameters($destination, $key));
......@@ -242,20 +244,6 @@ class Router {
* Get the request formats for which the route provides responses.
* @param mixed $callback
* @return array
protected function provides($callback)
if (is_array($callback) and isset($callback['provides']))
return (is_string($provides = $callback['provides'])) ? explode('|', $provides) : $provides;
* Translate route URI wildcards into actual regular expressions.
* @param string $key
......@@ -272,8 +260,6 @@ class Router {
$key .= ($replacements > 0) ? str_repeat(')?', $replacements) : '';
// After replacing all of the optional wildcards, we can replace all
// of the "regular" wildcards and return the fully regexed string.
return str_replace(array_keys($this->patterns), array_values($this->patterns), $key);
......@@ -288,6 +274,11 @@ class Router {
protected function parameters($uri, $route)
// When gathering the parameters, we need to get the request format out
// of the destination, otherwise it could be passed in as a parameter
// to the route closure or controller, which we don't want.
$uri = str_replace('.'.Request::format(), '', $uri);
list($uri, $route) = array(explode('/', $uri), explode('/', $route));
$count = count($route);
<?php namespace Laravel\Session\Drivers;
class Redis implements Driver {
* The Redis cache driver instance.
* @var Cache\Drivers\Redis
protected $redis;
* Create a new Redis session driver.
* @param Cache\Drivers\Redis $redis
* @return void
public function __construct(\Laravel\Cache\Drivers\Redis $redis)
$this->redis = $redis;
* Load a session from storage by a given ID.
* If no session is found for the ID, null will be returned.
* @param string $id
* @return array
public function load($id)
return $this->redis->get($id);
* Save a given session to storage.
* @param array $session
* @param array $config
* @param bool $exists
* @return void
public function save($session, $config, $exists)
$this->redis->put($session['id'], $session, $config['lifetime']);
* Delete a session from storage by a given ID.
* @param string $id
* @return void
public function delete($id)
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -41,9 +41,7 @@ class URI {
if ( ! is_null($this->uri)) return $this->uri;
$uri = parse_url($this->server['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH);
return $this->uri = $this->format($this->clean($uri));
return $this->uri = $this->format($this->clean($this->parse($this->server['REQUEST_URI'])));
......@@ -54,14 +52,24 @@ class URI {
protected function clean($uri)
$uri = $this->remove($uri, parse_url(Config::$items['application']['url'], PHP_URL_PATH));
$uri = $this->remove($uri, $this->parse(Config::$items['application']['url']));
if (($index = '/'.Config::$items['application']['index']) !== '/')
$uri = $this->remove($uri, $index);
return rtrim($uri, '.'.Request::format($uri));
return $uri;
* Parse a given string URI using PHP_URL_PATH to remove the domain.
* @return string
protected function parse($uri)
return parse_url($uri, PHP_URL_PATH);
......@@ -37,10 +37,19 @@ class Messages {
public function add($key, $message)
if ( ! isset($this->messages[$key]) or array_search($message, $this->messages[$key]) === false)
$this->messages[$key][] = $message;
if ($this->unique($key, $message)) $this->messages[$key][] = $message;
* Determine if a key and message combination already exists.
* @param string $key
* @param string $message
* @return bool
protected function unique($key, $message)
return ! isset($this->messages[$key]) or array_search($message, $this->messages[$key]) === false;
......@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ class View {
// use the regular path to the view.
$view = (strpos($this->path, BLADE_EXT) !== false) ? $this->compile() : $this->path;
try { include $view; } catch (Exception $e) { ob_get_clean(); throw $e; }
try { include $view; } catch (\Exception $e) { ob_get_clean(); throw $e; }
return ob_get_clean();
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