Commit 607b23b7 by Taylor Otwell

Refactoring Session class. Trimmed comment bloat. Added support for closures on…

Refactoring Session class. Trimmed comment bloat. Added support for closures on Session::get default value.
parent 881d7f78
......@@ -43,20 +43,13 @@ class Session {
static::$session = static::driver()->load($id);
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// If the session is invalid or expired, start a new one.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if (is_null($id) or is_null(static::$session) or static::expired(static::$session['last_activity']))
static::$session['id'] = Str::random(40);
static::$session['data'] = array();
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Create a CSRF token for the session if necessary. This
// token is used by the Form class and filters to protect
// against cross-site request forgeries.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! static::has('csrf_token'))
static::put('csrf_token', Str::random(16));
......@@ -110,7 +103,7 @@ class Session {
return static::$session['data'][':new:'.$key];
return $default;
return is_callable($default) ? call_user_func($default) : $default;
......@@ -165,13 +158,6 @@ class Session {
public static function regenerate()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// When regenerating the session ID, we go ahead and delete
// the session data from storage. Then, we assign a new ID.
// The session will be re-written to storage at the end
// of the request to the application.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
static::$session['id'] = Str::random(40);
......@@ -184,21 +170,14 @@ class Session {
public static function close()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Flash the old input data to the session. This allows
// the Input::old method to retrieve input from the
// previous request made by the user.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Flash the old input data to the session. This allows the Input::old method to
// retrieve the input from the previous request made by the user.
static::flash('laravel_old_input', Input::get());
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Send the session cookie the browser so we can remember
// who the session belongs to on subsequent requests.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! headers_sent())
$minutes = (Config::get('session.expire_on_close')) ? 0 : Config::get('session.lifetime');
......@@ -206,10 +185,7 @@ class Session {
Cookie::put('laravel_session', static::$session['id'], $minutes, Config::get('session.path'), Config::get('session.domain'), Config::get('session.https'));
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// Perform session garbage collection (2% chance).
// Session garbage collection removes all expired sessions.
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// 2% chance of performing session garbage collection...
if (mt_rand(1, 100) <= 2)
static::driver()->sweep(time() - (Config::get('session.lifetime') * 60));
......@@ -223,9 +199,6 @@ class Session {
private static function age_flash()
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Remove all of the :old: items from the session.
// -----------------------------------------------------
foreach (static::$session['data'] as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, ':old:') === 0)
......@@ -234,10 +207,6 @@ class Session {
// -----------------------------------------------------
// Copy all of the :new: items to :old: items and then
// remove the :new: items from the session.
// -----------------------------------------------------
foreach (static::$session['data'] as $key => $value)
if (strpos($key, ':new:') === 0)
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