Commit 4d6827ca by Jesse O'Brien

Adding documentation for the Profiler logging and timers.

Simple as that :)
parent 742eb4ea
......@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
- [Upgrading Bundles](/docs/bundles#upgrading-bundles)
- [Class Auto Loading](/docs/loading)
- [Errors & Logging](/docs/logging)
- [Profiler](/docs/profiler)
- [Runtime Configuration](/docs/config)
- [Examining Requests](/docs/requests)
- [Generating URLs](/docs/urls)
# Profiler
## Contents
- [Logging to the Proiler](#logging)
- [Timers and Benchmarking](#timers)
<a name="logging"></a>
## Logging
It is possible to use the profiler to the Log viewing portion of the profiler. Throughout your application you can call the logger and have it displayed when the profiler is rendered.
#### Logging to the profiler:
Profiler::log('info', 'Log some information to the profiler');
<a name="timers"></a>
## Timers
Timing and benchmarking your app is simple with the ```tick()``` function on the profiler. It allows you to set various different timers in your app and will show you their performance when your app ends execution.
Each timer can have it's own individual name which gives it a timeline. Every timer with the same name is another 'tick' on that timeline. Each timer can also execute a callback on it to perform other operations.
#### Using the generic timer timeline
#### Using multiple named timers with seperate timelines
#### Using a named timer with a callback
Profiler::tick('myTimer', function($timers) {
echo "I'm inside the timer callback!";
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