autoloader.test.php 2.37 KB
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class AutoloaderTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

	 * Test the Autoloader::map method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testMapsCanBeRegistered()
			'Foo' => path('app').'models/foo.php',

		$this->assertEquals(path('app').'models/foo.php', Autoloader::$mappings['Foo']);

	 * Test the Autoloader::alias method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testAliasesCanBeRegistered()
		Autoloader::alias('Foo\\Bar', 'Foo');

		$this->assertEquals('Foo\\Bar', Autoloader::$aliases['Foo']);

	 * Test the Autoloader::directories method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testPsrDirectoriesCanBeRegistered()

		$this->assertTrue(in_array(path('app').'foo'.DS.'bar'.DS, Autoloader::$directories));
		$this->assertTrue(in_array(path('app').'foo'.DS.'baz'.DS, Autoloader::$directories));

	 * Test the Autoloader::namespaces method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testNamespacesCanBeRegistered()
			'Autoloader_1' => path('bundle').'autoload'.DS.'models',
			'Autoloader_2' => path('bundle').'autoload'.DS.'libraries'.DS.DS,

		$this->assertEquals(path('bundle').'autoload'.DS.'models'.DS, Autoloader::$namespaces['Autoloader_1\\']);
		$this->assertEquals(path('bundle').'autoload'.DS.'libraries'.DS, Autoloader::$namespaces['Autoloader_2\\']);

	 * Test the loading of PSR-0 models and libraries.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testPsrLibrariesAndModelsCanBeLoaded()
		$this->assertInstanceOf('User', new User);
		$this->assertInstanceOf('Repositories\\User', new Repositories\User);

	 * Test the loading of hard-coded classes.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testHardcodedClassesCanBeLoaded()
			'Autoloader_HardCoded' => path('app').'models'.DS.'autoloader.php',

		$this->assertInstanceOf('Autoloader_HardCoded', new Autoloader_HardCoded);

	 * Test the loading of classes mapped by namespaces.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testClassesMappedByNamespaceCanBeLoaded()
			'Dashboard' => path('bundle').'dashboard'.DS.'models',

		$this->assertInstanceOf('Dashboard\\Repository', new Dashboard\Repository);
