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	<div class="wrapper">
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			<?php $messages = array('We need a map.', 'I think we\'re lost.', 'We took a wrong turn.'); ?>

			<h1><?php echo $messages[mt_rand(0, 2)]; ?></h1>

			<h2>Server Error: 404 (Not Found)</h2>

109 110

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			<h3>What does this mean?</h3>

Taylor Otwell committed
114 115 116
				We couldn't find the page you requested on our servers. We're really sorry
				about that. It's our fault, not yours. We'll work hard to get this page
				back online as soon as possible.
117 118 119 120 121 122

				Perhaps you would like to go to our <?php echo HTML::link('/', 'home page'); ?>?
123 124