aliases.php 1.38 KB
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return array(

	| Class Aliases
	| Here, you can specify any class aliases that you would like registered
	| when Laravel loads. Aliases are lazy-loaded, so add as many as you want.
13 14 15 16 17
	| Aliases make it more convenient to use namespaced classes. Instead of
	| referring to the class using its full namespace, you may simply use
	| the alias defined here.
	| We have already aliased common Laravel classes to make your life easier.
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	'Asset' => 'System\\Asset',
	'Auth' => 'System\\Auth',
23 24 25 26 27
	'Benchmark' => 'System\\Benchmark',
	'Cache' => 'System\\Cache',
	'Config' => 'System\\Config',
	'Cookie' => 'System\\Cookie',
	'Crypt' => 'System\\Crypt',
	'DB' => 'System\\DB',
Taylor Otwell committed
	'Eloquent' => 'System\\DB\\Eloquent\\Model',
30 31 32 33 34 35 36
	'File' => 'System\\File',
	'Form' => 'System\\Form',
	'Hash' => 'System\\Hash',
	'HTML' => 'System\\HTML',
	'Inflector' => 'System\\Inflector',
	'Input' => 'System\\Input',
	'Lang' => 'System\\Lang',
	'Loader' => 'System\\Loader',
Taylor Otwell committed
	'Package' => 'System\\Package',
39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
	'URL' => 'System\\URL',
	'Redirect' => 'System\\Redirect',
	'Request' => 'System\\Request',
	'Response' => 'System\\Response',
	'Session' => 'System\\Session',
	'Str' => 'System\\Str',
	'Validator' => 'System\\Validator',
	'View' => 'System\\View',
