uri.test.php 1.49 KB
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use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\LaravelRequest as RequestFoundation;

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class URITest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

	 * Destroy the test environment.
	public function tearDown()
		$_SERVER = array();
		URI::$uri = null;
		URI::$segments = array();

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	 * Set this request's URI to the given string
	 * @param string  $uri
	protected function setRequestUri($uri)
		// FIXME: Ugly hack, but old contents from previous requests seem to
		// trip up the Foundation class.
		$_FILES = array();
		$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] = $uri;
		Request::$foundation = RequestFoundation::createFromGlobals();

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	 * Test the URI::current method.
	 * @group laravel
	 * @dataProvider requestUriProvider
	public function testCorrectURIIsReturnedByCurrentMethod($uri, $expectation)
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		$this->assertEquals($expectation, URI::current());

	 * Test the URI::segment method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testSegmentMethodReturnsAURISegment()
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		$this->assertEquals('user', URI::segment(1));
		$this->assertEquals('profile', URI::segment(2));

	 * Data provider for the URI::current test.
	public function requestUriProvider()
		return array(
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			array('/user', 'user'),
			array('/user/', 'user'),
			array('', '/'),
			array('/', '/'),
			array('//', '/'),
			array('/user', 'user'),
			array('/user/', 'user'),
			array('/user/profile', 'user/profile'),
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