<?php namespace Laravel\Database;

use Laravel\Fluent;
use Laravel\Database as DB;

class Schema {

	 * Begin a fluent schema operation on a database table.
	 * @param  string   $table
	 * @param  Closure  $callback
	 * @return void
	public static function table($table, $callback)
		call_user_func($callback, $table = new Schema\Table($table));


		return static::execute($table);

	 * Execute the given schema operation against the database.
	 * @param  Schema\Table  $table
	 * @return void
	public static function execute($table)
		foreach ($table->commands as $command)
			$connection = DB::connection($table->connection);

			$grammar = static::grammar($connection);

			// Each grammar has a function that corresponds to the command type
			// and is responsible for building that's commands SQL. This lets
			// the SQL generation stay very granular and makes it simply to
			// add new database systems to the schema system.
			if (method_exists($grammar, $method = $command->type))
				$statements = $grammar->$method($table, $command);

				// Once we have the statements, we will cast them to an array
				// even though not all of the commands return an array just
				// in case the command needs to run more than one query to
				// do what it needs to do.
				foreach ((array) $statements as $statement)

	 * Add any implicit commands to the schema table operation.
	 * @param   Schema\Table  $table
	 * @return  void
	protected static function implications($table)
		// If the developer has specified columns for the table and the
		// table is not being created, we will assume they simply want
		// to add the columns to the table, and will generate an add
		// command on the schema automatically.
		if (count($table->columns) > 0 and ! $table->creating())
			$command = new Fluent(array('type' => 'add'));

			array_unshift($table->commands, $command);

		// For some extra syntax sugar, we'll check for any implicit
		// indexes on the table since the developer may specify the
		// index type on the fluent column declaration.
		foreach ($table->columns as $column)
			foreach (array('primary', 'unique', 'fulltext', 'index') as $key)
				if (isset($column->attributes[$key]))
					$table->$key($column->name, $column->$key);

	 * Create the appropriate schema grammar for the driver.
	 * @param  Connection  $connection
	 * @return Grammar
	public static function grammar(Connection $connection)
		$driver = $connection->driver();

		switch ($driver)
			case 'mysql':
				return new Schema\Grammars\MySQL($connection);

			case 'pgsql':
				return new Schema\Grammars\Postgres($connection);

			case 'sqlsrv':
				return new Schema\Grammars\SQLServer($connection);

			case 'sqlite':
				return new Schema\Grammars\SQLite($connection);

		throw new \Exception("Schema operations not supported for [$driver].");
