<?php namespace System;

class Config {

	 * All of the loaded configuration items.
	 * @var array
	private static $items = array();

	 * Determine if a configuration item exists.
	 * @param  string  $key
	 * @return bool
	public static function has($key)
		return ! is_null(static::get($key));

	 * Get a configuration item.
	 * @param  string  $key
	 * @param  string  $default
	 * @return mixed
	public static function get($key, $default = null)
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// If a dot is not present, we will just return the
		// entire configuration array.
		// If the configuration file does not exist, the default
		// value will be returned.
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		if(strpos($key, '.') === false)

			return (array_key_exists($key, static::$items)) ? static::$items[$key] : $default;

		list($file, $key) = static::parse($key);


		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// If the file doesn't exist, return the default.
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		if ( ! array_key_exists($file, static::$items))
			return $default;

		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// Return the configuration item. If the item doesn't
		// exist, the default value will be returned.
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		return (array_key_exists($key, static::$items[$file])) ? static::$items[$file][$key] : $default;

	 * Set a configuration item.
	 * @param  string  $key
	 * @param  mixed   $value
	 * @return void
	public static function set($key, $value)
		list($file, $key) = static::parse($key);


		static::$items[$file][$key] = $value;

	 * Parse a configuration key.
	 * @param  string  $key
	 * @return array
	private static function parse($key)
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// The left side of the dot is the file name, while
		// the right side of the dot is the item within that
		// file being requested.
		// This syntax allows for the easy retrieval and setting
		// of configuration items.
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		$segments = explode('.', $key);

		if (count($segments) < 2)
			throw new \Exception("Invalid configuration key [$key].");

		return array($segments[0], implode('.', array_slice($segments, 1)));

	 * Load all of the configuration items.
	 * @param  string  $file
	 * @return void
	public static function load($file)
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// Bail out if already loaded or doesn't exist.
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		if (array_key_exists($file, static::$items) or ! file_exists($path = APP_PATH.'config/'.$file.EXT))

		// -----------------------------------------------------
		// Load the configuration array into the array of items.
		// The items array is keyed by filename.
		// -----------------------------------------------------
		static::$items[$file] = require $path;
