<?php namespace Laravel; /** * Bootstrap the core framework components like the IoC container and * the configuration class, and the class auto-loader. Once this file * has run, the framework is essentially ready for use. */ require 'core.php'; /** * Register the PHP exception handler. The framework throws exceptions * on every error that cannot be handled. All of those exceptions will * be sent through this closure for processing. */ set_exception_handler(function($e) { Error::exception($e); }); /** * Register the PHP error handler. All PHP errors will fall into this * handler which will convert the error into an ErrorException object * and pass the exception into the exception handler. */ set_error_handler(function($code, $error, $file, $line) { Error::native($code, $error, $file, $line); }); /** * Register the shutdown handler. This function will be called at the * end of the PHP script or on a fatal PHP error. If a PHP error has * occured, we will convert it to an ErrorException and pass it * to the common exception handler for the framework. */ register_shutdown_function(function() { Error::shutdown(); }); /** * Setting the PHP error reporting level to -1 essentially forces * PHP to report every error, and it is guranteed to show every * error on future versions of PHP. * * If error detail is turned off, we will turn off all PHP error * reporting and display since the framework will be displaying * a generic message and we do not want any sensitive details * about the exception leaking into the views. */ error_reporting(-1); ini_set('display_errors', Config::get('error.display')); /** * Even though "Magic Quotes" are deprecated in PHP 5.3, they may * still be enabled on the server. To account for this, we will * strip slashes on all input arrays if magic quotes are turned * on for the server environment. */ if (magic_quotes()) { $magics = array(&$_GET, &$_POST, &$_COOKIE, &$_REQUEST); foreach ($magics as &$magic) { $magic = array_strip_slashes($magic); } } /** * Load the session using the session manager. The payload will * be registered in the IoC container as an instance so it can * be easily access throughout the framework. */ if (Config::get('session.driver') !== '') { Session::start(Config::get('session.driver')); Session::load(Cookie::get(Config::get('session.cookie'))); IoC::instance('laravel.session', Session::$instance); } /** * Gather the input to the application based on the global input * variables for the current request. The input will be gathered * based on the current request method and will be set on the * Input manager class' static $input property. */ $input = array(); switch (Request::method()) { case 'GET': $input = $_GET; break; case 'POST': $input = $_POST; break; case 'PUT': case 'DELETE': if (Request::spoofed()) { $input = $_POST; } else { parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $input); if (magic_quotes()) $input = array_strip_slashes($input); } } /** * The spoofed request method is removed from the input so it is not * unexpectedly included in Input::all() or Input::get(). Leaving it * in the input array could cause unexpected results if an Eloquent * model is filled with the input. */ unset($input[Request::spoofer]); Input::$input = $input; /** * Load the "application" bundle. Though the application folder is * not typically considered a bundle, it is started like one and * essentially serves as the "default" bundle. */ Bundle::start(DEFAULT_BUNDLE); /** * Start all of the bundles that are specified in the configuration * array of auto-loaded bundles. This lets the developer have an * easy way to load bundles for every request. */ foreach (Config::get('application.bundle.auto') as $bundle) { Bundle::start($bundle); } /** * If the requset URI has too many segments, we will bomb out of * the request. This is too avoid potential DDoS attacks against * the framework by overloading the controller lookup method * with thousands of segments. */ $uri = URI::current(); if (count(URI::$segments) > 15) { throw new \Exception("Invalid request. Too many URI segments."); } /** * Route the request to the proper route in the application. If a * route is found, the route will be called via the request class * static property. If no route is found, the 404 response will * be returned to the browser. */ Request::$route = Routing\Router::route(Request::method(), $uri); if (is_null(Request::$route)) { Request::$route = new Routing\Route('GET /404', array(function() { return Response::error('404'); })); $response = Response::error('404'); } $response = Request::$route->call(); /** * Close the session and write the active payload to persistent * storage. The session cookie will also be written and if the * driver is a sweeper, session garbage collection might be * performed depending on the "sweepage" probability. */ if (Config::get('session.driver') !== '') { Session::save(); } /** * Send all of the cookies to the browser. The cookies are * stored in a "jar" until the end of a request, primarily * to make testing the cookie functionality of the site * much easier since the jar can be inspected. */ Cookie::send(); /** * Send the final response to the browser and fire the * final event indicating that the processing for the * current request is completed. */ $response->send(); Event::fire('laravel: done');