<?php class EloquentTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * Test the Model constructor. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributesAreSetByConstructor() { $array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25, 'setter' => 'foo'); $model = new Model($array); $this->assertEquals('Taylor', $model->name); $this->assertEquals(25, $model->age); $this->assertEquals('setter: foo', $model->setter); } /** * Test the Model::fill method. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributesAreSetByFillMethod() { $array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25, 'setter' => 'foo'); $model = new Model(); $model->fill($array); $this->assertEquals('Taylor', $model->name); $this->assertEquals(25, $model->age); $this->assertEquals('setter: foo', $model->setter); } /** * Test the Model::fill_raw method. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributesAreSetByFillRawMethod() { $array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25, 'setter' => 'foo'); $model = new Model(); $model->fill_raw($array); $this->assertEquals($array, $model->attributes); } /** * Test the Model::fill method with accessible. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributesAreSetByFillMethodWithAccessible() { Model::$accessible = array('name', 'age'); $array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25, 'foo' => 'bar'); $model = new Model(); $model->fill($array); $this->assertEquals('Taylor', $model->name); $this->assertEquals(25, $model->age); $this->assertNull($model->foo); Model::$accessible = null; } /** * Test the Model::fill method with empty accessible array. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributesAreSetByFillMethodWithEmptyAccessible() { Model::$accessible = array(); $array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25, 'foo' => 'bar'); $model = new Model(); $model->fill($array); $this->assertEquals(array(), $model->attributes); $this->assertNull($model->name); $this->assertNull($model->age); $this->assertNull($model->foo); Model::$accessible = null; } /** * Test the Model::fill_raw method with accessible. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributesAreSetByFillRawMethodWithAccessible() { Model::$accessible = array('name', 'age'); $array = array('name' => 'taylor', 'age' => 25, 'setter' => 'foo'); $model = new Model(); $model->fill_raw($array); $this->assertEquals($array, $model->attributes); Model::$accessible = null; } /** * Test the Model::__set method. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributeMagicSetterMethodChangesAttribute() { Model::$accessible = array('setter'); $array = array('setter' => 'foo', 'getter' => 'bar'); $model = new Model($array); $model->setter = 'bar'; $model->getter = 'foo'; $this->assertEquals('setter: bar', $model->get_attribute('setter')); $this->assertEquals('foo', $model->get_attribute('getter')); Model::$accessible = null; } /** * Test the Model::__get method. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributeMagicGetterMethodReturnsAttribute() { $array = array('setter' => 'foo', 'getter' => 'bar'); $model = new Model($array); $this->assertEquals('setter: foo', $model->setter); $this->assertEquals('getter: bar', $model->getter); } /** * Test the Model::set_* method. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributeSetterMethodChangesAttribute() { Model::$accessible = array('setter'); $array = array('setter' => 'foo', 'getter' => 'bar'); $model = new Model($array); $model->set_setter('bar'); $model->set_getter('foo'); $this->assertEquals('setter: bar', $model->get_attribute('setter')); $this->assertEquals('foo', $model->get_attribute('getter')); Model::$accessible = null; } /** * Test the Model::get_* method. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributeGetterMethodReturnsAttribute() { $array = array('setter' => 'foo', 'getter' => 'bar'); $model = new Model($array); $this->assertEquals('setter: foo', $model->get_setter()); $this->assertEquals('getter: bar', $model->get_getter()); } /** * Test determination of dirty/changed attributes. * * @group laravel */ public function testDeterminationOfChangedAttributes() { $array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25, 'foo' => null); $model = new Model($array, true); $model->name = 'Otwell'; $model->new = null; $this->assertTrue($model->changed('name')); $this->assertFalse($model->changed('age')); $this->assertFalse($model->changed('foo')); $this->assertFalse($model->changed('new')); $this->assertTrue($model->dirty()); $this->assertEquals(array('name' => 'Otwell', 'new' => null), $model->get_dirty()); $model->sync(); $this->assertFalse($model->changed('name')); $this->assertFalse($model->changed('age')); $this->assertFalse($model->changed('foo')); $this->assertFalse($model->changed('new')); $this->assertFalse($model->dirty()); $this->assertEquals(array(), $model->get_dirty()); } /** * Test the Model::purge method. * * @group laravel */ public function testAttributePurge() { $array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25); $model = new Model($array); $model->name = 'Otwell'; $model->age = 26; $model->purge('name'); $this->assertFalse($model->changed('name')); $this->assertNull($model->name); $this->assertTrue($model->changed('age')); $this->assertEquals(26, $model->age); $this->assertEquals(array('age' => 26), $model->get_dirty()); } /** * Test the Model::table method. * * @group laravel */ public function testTableMethodReturnsCorrectName() { $model = new Model(); $this->assertEquals('models', $model->table()); Model::$table = 'table'; $this->assertEquals('table', $model->table()); Model::$table = null; $this->assertEquals('models', $model->table()); } /** * Test the Model::to_array method. * * @group laravel */ public function testConvertingToArray() { Model::$hidden = array('password', 'hidden'); $array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25, 'password' => 'laravel', 'null' => null); $model = new Model($array); $first = new Model(array('first' => 'foo', 'password' => 'hidden')); $second = new Model(array('second' => 'bar', 'password' => 'hidden')); $third = new Model(array('third' => 'baz', 'password' => 'hidden')); $model->relationships['one'] = new Model(array('foo' => 'bar', 'password' => 'hidden')); $model->relationships['many'] = array($first, $second, $third); $model->relationships['hidden'] = new Model(array('should' => 'not_visible')); $model->relationships['null'] = null; $this->assertEquals(array( 'name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 25, 'null' => null, 'one' => array('foo' => 'bar'), 'many' => array( array('first' => 'foo'), array('second' => 'bar'), array('third' => 'baz'), ), 'null' => null, ), $model->to_array()); } }