<?php namespace Laravel; use FilesystemIterator as fIterator; class Blade { /** * All of the compiler functions used by Blade. * * @var array */ protected static $compilers = array( 'layouts', 'echos', 'forelse', 'empty', 'endforelse', 'structure_openings', 'structure_closings', 'else', 'includes', 'render_each', 'render', 'yields', 'yield_sections', 'section_start', 'section_end', ); /** * Register the Blade view engine with Laravel. * * @return void */ public static function sharpen() { Event::listen(View::engine, function($view) { // The Blade view engine should only handle the rendering of views which // end with the Blade extension. If the given view does not, we will // return false so the View can be rendered as normal. if ( ! str_contains($view->path, BLADE_EXT)) { return false; } $compiled = path('storage').'views/'.md5($view->path); // If the view doesn't exist or has been modified since the last time it // was compiled, we will recompile the view into pure PHP from it's // Blade representation, writing it to cached storage. if ( ! file_exists($compiled) or Blade::expired($view->view, $view->path)) { file_put_contents($compiled, Blade::compile($view)); } $view->path = $compiled; // Once the view has been compiled, we can simply set the path to the // compiled view on the view instance and call the typical "get" // method on the view to evaluate the compiled PHP view. return $view->get(); }); } /** * Determine if a view is "expired" and needs to be re-compiled. * * @param string $view * @param string $path * @param string $compiled * @return bool */ public static function expired($view, $path) { $compiled = static::compiled($path); return filemtime($path) > filemtime(static::compiled($path)); } /** * Compiles the specified file containing Blade pseudo-code into valid PHP. * * @param string $path * @return string */ public static function compile($view) { return static::compile_string(file_get_contents($view->path), $view); } /** * Compiles the given string containing Blade pseudo-code into valid PHP. * * @param string $value * @param View $view * @return string */ public static function compile_string($value, $view = null) { foreach (static::$compilers as $compiler) { $method = "compile_{$compiler}"; $value = static::$method($value, $view); } return $value; } /** * Rewrites Blade "@layout" expressions into valid PHP. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_layouts($value) { // If the Blade template is not using "layouts", we'll just return it // it unchanged since there is nothing to do with layouts and we'll // just let the other Blade compilers handle the rest. if ( ! starts_with($value, '@layout')) { return $value; } // First we'll split out the lines of the template so we can get the // the layout from the top of the template. By convention it must // be located on the first line of the template contents. $lines = preg_split("/(\r?\n)/", $value); $pattern = static::matcher('layout'); $lines[] = preg_replace($pattern, '$1@include$2', $lines[0]); // We will add a "render" statement to the end of the templates and // and then slice off the @layout shortcut from the start so the // sections register before the parent template renders. return implode(CRLF, array_slice($lines, 1)); } /** * Extract a variable value out of a Blade expression. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function extract($value, $expression) { preg_match('/@layout(\s*\(.*\))(\s*)/', $value, $matches); return str_replace(array("('", "')"), '', $matches[1]); } /** * Rewrites Blade echo statements into PHP echo statements. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_echos($value) { return preg_replace('/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/', '<?php echo $1; ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade "for else" statements into valid PHP. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_forelse($value) { preg_match_all('/(\s*)@forelse(\s*\(.*\))(\s*)/', $value, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $forelse) { preg_match('/\$[^\s]*/', $forelse, $variable); // Once we have extracted the variable being looped against, we can add // an if statmeent to the start of the loop that checks if the count // of the variable being looped against is greater than zero. $if = "<?php if (count({$variable[0]}) > 0): ?>"; $search = '/(\s*)@forelse(\s*\(.*\))/'; $replace = '$1'.$if.'<?php foreach$2: ?>'; $blade = preg_replace($search, $replace, $forelse); // Finally, once we have the check prepended to the loop we'll replace // all instances of this "forelse" syntax in the view content of the // view being compiled to Blade syntax with real syntax. $value = str_replace($forelse, $blade, $value); } return $value; } /** * Rewrites Blade "empty" statements into valid PHP. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_empty($value) { return str_replace('@empty', '<?php endforeach; ?><?php else: ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade "forelse" endings into valid PHP. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_endforelse($value) { return str_replace('@endforelse', '<?php endif; ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade structure openings into PHP structure openings. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_structure_openings($value) { $pattern = '/(\s*)@(if|elseif|foreach|for|while)(\s*\(.*\))/'; return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php $2$3: ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade structure closings into PHP structure closings. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_structure_closings($value) { $pattern = '/(\s*)@(endif|endforeach|endfor|endwhile)(\s*)/'; return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php $2; ?>$3', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade else statements into PHP else statements. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_else($value) { return preg_replace('/(\s*)@(else)(\s*)/', '$1<?php $2: ?>$3', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade @include statements into valid PHP. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_includes($value) { $pattern = static::matcher('include'); return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo view$2->with(get_defined_vars())->render(); ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade @render statements into valid PHP. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_render($value) { $pattern = static::matcher('render'); return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo render$2; ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade @render_each statements into valid PHP. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_render_each($value) { $pattern = static::matcher('render_each'); return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo render_each$2; ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade @yield statements into Section statements. * * The Blade @yield statement is a shortcut to the Section::yield method. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_yields($value) { $pattern = static::matcher('yield'); return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php echo \\Laravel\\Section::yield$2; ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade yield section statements into valid PHP. * * @return string */ protected static function compile_yield_sections($value) { $replace = '<?php echo \\Laravel\\Section::yield_section(); ?>'; return str_replace('@yield_section', $replace, $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade @section statements into Section statements. * * The Blade @section statement is a shortcut to the Section::start method. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_section_start($value) { $pattern = static::matcher('section'); return preg_replace($pattern, '$1<?php \\Laravel\\Section::start$2; ?>', $value); } /** * Rewrites Blade @endsection statements into Section statements. * * The Blade @endsection statement is a shortcut to the Section::stop method. * * @param string $value * @return string */ protected static function compile_section_end($value) { return preg_replace('/@endsection/', '<?php \\Laravel\\Section::stop(); ?>', $value); } /** * Get the regular expression for a generic Blade function. * * @param string $function * @return string */ protected static function matcher($function) { return '/(\s*)@'.$function.'(\s*\(.*\))/'; } /** * Get the fully qualified path for a compiled view. * * @param string $view * @return string */ public static function compiled($path) { return path('storage').'views/'.md5($path); } }