
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\LaravelRequest as RequestFoundation;

class SessionPayloadTokenStub {

	public function token() { return 'Taylor'; }


class RequestTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {

	 * Tear down the test environment.
	public function tearDown()
		$_POST = array();
		$_SERVER = array();
		Request::$route = null;
		Session::$instance = null;

	 * Set one of the $_SERVER variables.
	 * @param string  $key
	 * @param string  $value
	protected function setServerVar($key, $value)
		$_SERVER[$key] = $value;


	 * Set one of the $_POST variables.
	 * @param string  $key
	 * @param string  $value
	protected function setPostVar($key, $value)
		$_POST[$key] = $value;


	 * Reinitialize the global request.
	 * @return void
	protected function restartRequest()
		// FIXME: Ugly hack, but old contents from previous requests seem to
		// trip up the Foundation class.
		$_FILES = array();

		Request::$foundation = RequestFoundation::createFromGlobals();

	 * Test the Request::method method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testMethodReturnsTheHTTPRequestMethod()
		$this->setServerVar('REQUEST_METHOD', 'POST');

		$this->assertEquals('POST', Request::method());

		$this->setPostVar(Request::spoofer, 'PUT');

		$this->assertEquals('PUT', Request::method());

	 * Test the Request::server method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testServerMethodReturnsFromServerArray()
		$this->setServerVar('TEST', 'something');
		$this->setServerVar('USER', array('NAME' => 'taylor'));

		$this->assertEquals('something', Request::server('test'));
		$this->assertEquals('taylor', Request::server('user.name'));

	 * Test the Request::ip method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testIPMethodReturnsClientIPAddress()
		$this->setServerVar('REMOTE_ADDR', 'something');
		$this->assertEquals('something', Request::ip());

		$this->setServerVar('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'something');
		$this->assertEquals('something', Request::ip());

		$this->setServerVar('HTTP_CLIENT_IP', 'something');
		$this->assertEquals('something', Request::ip());

		$_SERVER = array();
		$this->assertEquals('', Request::ip());

	 * Test the Request::secure method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testSecureMethodsIndicatesIfHTTPS()
		$this->setServerVar('HTTPS', 'on');

		$this->setServerVar('HTTPS', 'off');


	 * Test the Request::ajax method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testAjaxMethodIndicatesWhenAjax()

		$this->setServerVar('HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH', 'XMLHttpRequest');


	 * Test the Request::forged method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testForgedMethodIndicatesIfRequestWasForged()
		Session::$instance = new SessionPayloadTokenStub;

		$input = array(Session::csrf_token => 'Foo');


		$input = array(Session::csrf_token => 'Taylor');

	 * Test the Request::route method.
	 * @group laravel
	public function testRouteMethodReturnsStaticRoute()
		Request::$route = 'Taylor';

		$this->assertEquals('Taylor', Request::route());
