Commit fda19731 by Taylor Otwell

Fixing update handling in Has_Many and Has_One relationships.

Signed-off-by: Taylor Otwell <>
parent 8e988192
......@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ abstract class Model {
protected function timestamp()
$this->updated_at = $this->get_timestamp();
$this->updated_at = static::get_timestamp();
if ( ! $this->exists) $this->created_at = $this->updated_at;
......@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ abstract class Model {
* @return mixed
public function get_timestamp()
public static function get_timestamp()
return date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
......@@ -675,7 +675,7 @@ abstract class Model {
public function __call($method, $parameters)
$meta = array('key', 'table', 'connection', 'sequence', 'per_page');
$meta = array('key', 'table', 'connection', 'sequence', 'per_page', 'timestamps');
// If the method is actually the name of a static property on the model we'll
// return the value of the static property. This makes it convenient for
......@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ class Has_Many extends Has_One_Or_Many {
foreach ($models as $attributes)
$attributes[$this->foreign_key()] = $this->base->get_key();
$class = get_class($this->model);
// If the "attributes" are actually an array of the related model we'll
......@@ -45,6 +43,13 @@ class Has_Many extends Has_One_Or_Many {
$model = $this->fresh_model($attributes);
// We'll need to associate the model with its parent, so we'll set the
// foreign key on the model to the key of the parent model, making
// sure that the two models are associated in the database.
$foreign = $this->foreign_key();
$model->$foreign = $this->base->get_key();
$id = $model->get_key();
$model->exists = ( ! is_null($id) and in_array($id, $current));
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class Has_Many_And_Belongs_To extends Relationship {
* @var array
protected $with = array();
protected $with = array('id');
* Create a new many to many relationship instance.
......@@ -43,9 +43,14 @@ class Has_Many_And_Belongs_To extends Relationship {
$this->joining = $table ?: $this->joining($model, $associated);
// If the Pivot table is timestamped, we'll set the timestamp columns to be
// fetched when the pivot table models are fetched by the developer else
// the ID will be the only "extra" column fetched in by default.
if (Pivot::$timestamps)
$this->with = array('id', 'created_at', 'updated_at');
$this->with[] = 'created_at';
$this->with[] = 'updated_at';
parent::__construct($model, $associated, $foreign);
......@@ -197,9 +202,12 @@ class Has_Many_And_Belongs_To extends Relationship {
protected function insert_joining($attributes)
if (Pivot::$timestamps)
$attributes['created_at'] = $this->model->get_timestamp();
$attributes['updated_at'] = $attributes['created_at'];
return $this->joining_table()->insert($attributes);
......@@ -386,17 +394,13 @@ class Has_Many_And_Belongs_To extends Relationship {
* Get a model instance of the pivot table for the relationship.
* Get a relationship instance of the pivot table.
* @return Pivot
* @return Has_Many
public function pivot()
$key = $this->base->get_key();
$foreign = $this->foreign_key();
return with(new Pivot($this->joining))->where($foreign, '=', $key);
return new Has_Many($this->base, new Pivot($this->joining), $this->foreign_key());
......@@ -20,6 +20,22 @@ class Has_One_Or_Many extends Relationship {
* Update a record for the association.
* @param array $attributes
* @return bool
public function update(array $attributes)
if ($this->model->timestamps())
$attributes['updated_at'] = $this->model->get_timestamp();
return $this->table->update($attributes);
* Set the proper constraints on the relationship table.
* @return void
......@@ -31,10 +31,12 @@
- Migrated to the Symfony HttpFoundation component for core request / response handling.
- Fixed the passing of strings into the Input::except method.
- Fixed replacement of optional parameters in URL::transpose method.
- Improved "update" handling on Has_Many and Has_One relationships.
- Improved View performance by only loading contents from file once.
- Fix handling of URLs beginning with has in URL::to.
- Fix the resolution of unset Eloquent attributes.
- Allows pivot table timestamps to be disabled.
- Made the "get_timestamp" Eloquent method static.
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