Commit ba1d2a62 by Taylor Otwell

refactoring the file::is method.

parent f7e6b957
......@@ -157,10 +157,14 @@ class File {
$mimes = Config::get('mimes');
foreach ((array) $extensions as $extension)
$mime = finfo_file(finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE), $path);
// The MIME configuration file contains an array of file extensions and
// their associated MIME types. We will spin through each extension the
// developer wants to check to determine if the file's MIME type is in
// the list of MIMEs we have for that extension.
foreach ((array) $extensions as $extension)
if (isset($mimes[$extension]) and in_array($mime, (array) $mimes[$extension]))
return true;
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