Commit 71f8e4ac by Franz Liedke

Fix a bug introduced in pull request #799 that caused eager loading constraints to stop working.

parent 1503aed7
......@@ -257,25 +257,38 @@ abstract class Model {
$includes = (array) $includes;
$all_includes = array();
$given_includes = array();
foreach($includes as $include)
foreach ($includes as $relationship => $constraints)
$nested = explode('.', $include);
// When eager loading relationships, constraints may be set on the eager
// load definition; however, is none are set, we need to swap the key
// and the value of the array since there are no constraints.
if (is_numeric($relationship))
list($relationship, $constraints) = array($constraints, null);
$given_includes[$relationship] = $constraints;
$inc = array();
$relationships = array_keys($given_includes);
$implicits = array();
foreach($nested as $relation)
foreach ($relationships as $relationship)
$inc[] = $relation;
$parts = explode('.', $relationship);
$all_includes[] = implode('.', $inc);
$prefix = '';
foreach ($parts as $part)
$implicits[$prefix.$part] = null;
$prefix .= $part.'.';
//remove duplicates and reset the array keys.
$this->includes = array_values(array_unique($all_includes));
// Add all implicit includes to the explicit ones
$this->includes = $given_includes + $implicits;
return $this;
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