Commit 3518f686 by Taylor Otwell

tweaking layout.

parent 6735631c
......@@ -36,16 +36,8 @@
Leaning to use Laravel is amazingly simple thanks to
its {{ HTML::link('docs', 'wonderful documentation') }}.
Here are the basics:
<ul class="out-links">
<li>{{ HTML::link('docs/routing#the-basics', 'Defining Routes') }}</li>
<li>{{ HTML::link('docs/controllers#the-basics', 'Building Controllers') }}</li>
<li>{{ HTML::link('docs/views#the-basics', 'Creating Views') }}</li>
<li>{{ HTML::link('docs/database/eloquent', 'Eloquent ORM') }}</li>
<h2>Create something beautiful.</h2>
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